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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Appointment of a Nodal Officer by banksin respect of their Currency Management Operations

The High Level Group on Currency Management chaired by Smt. Usha Thorat, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India submitted its Report in August 2009. The Group, inter alia, emphasized the importance of using modern technology and security systems for stocking, processing and distribution of currency to ensure adequate availability of genuine and clean notes to the members of public.2. With a view to ensure that the banks accord due priority to the above objective, it is proposed that all banks maintaining currency chests shall entrust the responsibility of currency management to a functionary not less than the level of General Manager, who will be the nodal point of contact for Reserve Bank of...
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Banks may park excess funds in short-term debt instruments

Banks are expected to step up investment of their surplus funds in short-term debt instruments such as commercial papers, treasury bills, and government securities with one-two years residual maturity. This is to address the Reserve Bank of India’s concerns over circular movement of liquidity from banks to the liquid schemes of mutual funds (MFs) and vice-versa. The central bank’s apprehension over circular movement of funds stems from the fact that should liquidity start drying up (on the back of improved credit pick-up) banks would redeem their mutual fund investments to shore up their funds position. Faced with redemption pressure, MFs would then resort to heavy borrowing via Clearing Corporation...
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Govt plans system to track corporate fraud

Having failed to detect the Satyam scam, the government has embarked on a new vigilant system to track corporate frauds as part of which it has decided to look into companies whose financials are found to be suspicious. According to an official in the ministry of corporate affairs, the government's new drive would be technology-driven and bank heavily on the MCA21 e-governance programme that is now the main gateway for corporates to file their statutory documents. "This is part of our efforts to have an effective early warning system and the idea is to detect frauds, or any tendency of fraud, early," the official said, adding that pilot work on the project has already been kick started. Giving...
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